Miles and more miles

1 min read Filed in personal

I’ve put up my car mileage charting, over at for those interesting. I’m hoping to use JpGraph library to do some charing and do a little reporting. Yes, I could do it OpenOffice, or Gnumeric, but I’ve done that. :-)

Otherwise, I fixed some other bugs I noticed that no one else did (since it server side…good thing you didn’t notice!).

Congrats to my girlfriend for finishing her thesis on the development of education in the United States in the late 1700’s and 1800’s. That’s a poor description really, but I did read all 40+ pages of it, outloud no less. Good book. Learned things about Rush and Jefferson that I did not know. has a new look, and a new storefront. Take a look. It took me forever to fix it.