Our latest short film, The Pink Plastic Flamingo: The Ambassador of the American Lawn is now making the film festival rounds. We’ve currently submitted to four festivals and reviewing another five to submit to as well. Fingers crossed! Here are the four places we’ve submitted so far:
* <a href="http://www.dcshorts.com/?who=PinkPlasticFlamingo">DC Shorts Film Festival</a>
* <a href="http://www.bluegrassfilmfest.com/?who=PinkPlasticFlamingo">Bluegrass Independent Film Festival</a>
* <a href="http://www.grandcinema.com/?who=PinkPlasticFlamingo">Tacoma Film Festival</a>
* <a href="http://www.toofy.com/?who=PinkPlasticFlamingo">Toofy Film Fest 2006 Sponsored by the Onion</a>
With any luck, we’ll be showing in a theatre near you soon!