A basic issue viewer Chrome extension codelab

A beginning codelab for building Chrome extensions.

1 min read Filed in Web

Building Chrome Extensions is not as difficult as most people presume and can be quite useful when you need to extend Chrome to do just a little bit more than.

To that end, I wrote up a codelab that we ran this week at GDG Oakdale with 25 people that builds a basic Github issue list using Chrome.* APIs and the Github v3 API. The feedback was great and after some slight updates, it’s now fully up for general public use:

If you want a version without the GDG Oakdale mentions for use at your school or user group, I’ve also pushed a clean version to GoogleDeveloperExperts Github account:

Many thanks to fellow Google Developer Expert Konrad Dzwinel; we talked this codelab through during his Chrome extension workshop at the GDE Summit in November and the steps are based on his excellent approach.