More talking all over the place

You know I am all over the place, how about more talks?

1 min read Filed in Web Business IoT

Nearly a month into the new year, and I feel like I’m on a sprint yet again? If you’re wondering where I’m speaking in the next month or so, look no further.

  1. I’ve largely become a fixture and host on The Web Platform Podcast. I want to give a big shout out and thank you to Erik Isaksen who has done an amazing job with the show. I’m just glad I can help. To boot, my company actually became a sponsor as well (good decision Team Stickman).
  2. I’m in Kansas City next week speaking at GDG Kansas City DevFest on beacons and physical web.
  3. I’ll be on the Modern Web podcast next month interviewing (Rob Dodson)[]. Should be fun!
  4. Speaking of Modern Web, I’ll be at the Polymer and Polytechnic hack night at Google on March 16th (come say hi)

I know that I’m missing a few things I can’t yet talk about, but be on the lookout! And if you’re looking for a speaker, let me know.