Lighthouse Github Action Version 3 Released

Now adds support for lighthouse v9 for all your web performance testing goodness.

Version 3 of lighthouse-action ready in the Github Actions Marketplace.
Justin Ribeiro

With the release of lighthouse v9 comes with a pretty wide array of changes to the reporting end as well as the addition of user flows which I think everyone has been doing in some shape or form—I know I have. This makes life easier for more developers to get actionable information which is a nice touch.

While I have not yet added some form of user flow support to lighthouse-action, I have released version 3 which bump the lighthouse dependency to version 9 and adds a few reporting fixes (since some of the imports have been changed). This also bumps the github action node version to 16, since lighthouse now requires at least v14 of node.

With the holidays approaching, this is high on my list to start sorting our the details on user flow testing support during some downtime. In the meantime, if you want the latest numbers in you pull request comments, grab the latest version from the Github Actions Marketplace or update your yamls.

Happy Holidays!